Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Perfect Day

You wake up groggy and coughing. Last night was rough, and you couldn't get any sleep. Your mom says you are sick and can't go to school today. Success! You have a whole day off to do whatever you want! You quickly plan out your day with the ultimate goal of making that model tank you planned wanted to work on for weeks. Today is the day to seize that opportunity.

You sleep a few extra hours, and get up at 11. You lazily get downstairs for breakfast and TV. Nothing good is on, but you don't fell like getting up. So you decide to watch some old 80's sitcoms like Married with Children. At 2 you finally get the power to get up and do something else. You get an urge to play some video games. You know better than to play video games if you want to make your model, but you give in. You play for a while and suddenly realize that it is getting late. You desperately try to take control of the situation, but laziness overruns your attempts. After you muster enough motivation to stop, it is 5. This means lunch.
For lunch it is frozen pizza and TV. You want to finish quickly to get time to make your model, but you find a good movie on TV, Commando. Laziness overwhelms you again. You sit there helpless while watching that great movie.

Once the movie ends, 7 pm, you rush to get underway with your model. You manage to set it up before your parents call you for dinner. You hopelessly go downstairs for a quick dinner.It unexpectedly drags on till 8:30, but those cutlets were amazing. You receive new from your mother that you are well enough to go to school tomorrow. This cuts off any hope to push your plan back a day. You have to work on it today.

Now you face a new problem. A new episode of you favorite TV show is on tonight. You watch it with envy because it is limited time wasted, but also, it is a great episode. Laziness strikes again, and you are forced to watch another show.

Finally, after a whole day attacked by laziness, you manage to achieve your ultimate goal to work on your model tank. The time spent on your model is no where near your proposed time, but it is time spent on it. You manage to get some ground in completing the model, but it will require more time. You have to wait for another day where you will be able to have a whole day free. This may take a long time, but you have the patience for it.


  1. I enjoyed reading this story. I can relate to this because whenever I'm sick I always plan on doing something that never really gets done. I'm always to lazy and tired to try to work on something that might actually need a little effort. Good Job.

  2. It definitely seems honest. I can relate to those days that are spent relaxing and not worrying about anything.

  3. I feel like this is something somebody would do when their home sick. Relaxing and doing or thinking about about nothing.

  4. I think anyone can relate to that. It just shows how people can have something planned out in their minds but totally change it in a form of prokrastination. Just like you said the person found a reason of why they had to wait on working on their model. This was really good.

  5. This story is realistic and throughout I felt like I could connect, because whenever I stay home I usually wake up late and just act lazy. I like how in the end you also stay positive.

  6. When there are so many options it can be hard to choose what to do. Procrastination can be good every now and then.
